Home» Research» Publication» IARRP team publishes global dataset on biochar application in agricultural ecosystems

IARRP team publishes global dataset on biochar application in agricultural ecosystems

By IARRP | Updated: 2024-03-06

The Innovation Team of Improvement and Amelioration of Soil Fertility of the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning (IARRP) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), has collected and integrated global data on the effects of biochar application on crop yield, soil properties, and greenhouse gas emissions. The related data has been published under the title "A global dataset of biochar application effects on crop yield, soil properties, and greenhouse gas emissions" in the journal "Scientific Data."

Biochar is an important approach to addressing food security and climate change issues, as it can improve soil health and promote carbon sequestration. However, the effects of biochar application are influenced by various factors such as soil, environment, biochar source, and characteristics, leading to heterogeneity in different studies. In order to comprehensively assess the benefits of biochar application in agricultural ecosystems, the research team constructed a dataset on the effects of biochar application on crop yield, soil properties, and greenhouse gas emissions. This dataset compiled 367 published studies from around the world, encompassing 21 indicators related to crop yield, soil properties, and greenhouse gas emissions. It also includes information on study site locations, climate conditions, initial soil characteristics, biochar characteristics, and management practices. The construction of this dataset contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the impact of biochar application, providing a reference for the efficient reuse of agricultural wastes and the implementation of sustainable management practices.


Figure 1: Spatial distribution of the points included in the dataset

Dr. Li Xin from IARRP is the first author, and Researcher Zhang Wenju is the corresponding author. This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology's Special Investigation on Basic Scientific Resources and the Basic Research Business Fund of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Paper link: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02867-9